Walt and Carol Pilcher live in Greensboro, NC, and attend Grace Church in High Point, NC. They have three adult children and six grandchildren.
Both Walt and Carol serve on Evergreen Missions' board of directors. With their rich history in loving Jesus and serving the body of Christ, they help assist Evergreen Missions' outreach around the world.
Walt is a former CEO of Kayser-Roth Corporation, L’eggs Products division of Sara Lee Corporation, and Nihon Sara Lee KK (Japan). He was a church elder and a Trustee of Regent University and currently serves on the boards of Global Awakening, an international evangelistic ministry; Kingdom Congressional International Alliance (KCIA), a network of kingdom-minded five-fold marketplace leaders; and Evergreen Missions. He holds a BA from Wesleyan University and an MBA from Stanford University.
A gifted intercessor, Carol is a retired registered nurse, a former Adjunct Chaplain in the Moses Cone Hospital system and serves on the Sozo ministry team at Grace Church. She is an artist, mostly in oils and acrylics, who encourages God-given creativity by frequently giving free art lessons to beginners or those wanting to improve their skills.
Walt’s groundbreaking book, The Five-fold Effect: Unlocking Power Leadership for Amazing Results in Your Organization, outlines how to use the gifts of Ephesians 4:11 effectively in the marketplace. His other books include a collection of humorous short stories and poetry, On Shallowed Ground, and two comic novels, Everybody Shrugged and The Accidental Spurrt®.